I should start by saying that I am not one of those technology fans. However, in these times it is difficult to think about living without a cell phone, and this is my favorite piece of technology or at least the technological piece that most influences my life. Because now you can do practically everything with a cell phone, communicate from different platforms, take photos and videos, access the internet and from there all the possibilities of the world in the palm of your hand.

I had my first cell phone at approximately 12 years old and I remember that it was not so much what you could do with one of them ... well in addition to important functions like calling or sending text messages, you could share songs by infrared or something like that (ID to the shit). Luckily they evolved and now you have apps for everything. I still use it mainly to communicate with my friends and family, but I also listened to music on Spotify, I travel on Uber, I share content on Instagram, I make new friends on Tinder, I control the payment of my credit cards and I make korean children cry playing Clash Royale . What I like the most about cell phones is that you have access to many "tools" in your pocket. I think that this technological piece is dispensable, but definitely my life would be much more difficult without one because I use it every day.


  1. Make that korean children cry playing clash royale is the most important thing

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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