About pets, love and friendship

Hello again, today I will tell you about my favourite pets. Being quite honest, I do not consider myself a fan of pets, but…I have six cats (yeah, like the crazy old woman of The Simpsons). If you are wondering how I got to have six… The truth is that for some reason people leave cats in front of my house.

Of the six cats, five are completely black and their names are Pino, Almendra, Pepe, Pelusa and La Cosa. All of these are around six and eight years old… On the contrary to what people usually say, they have not given me bad luck. The sixth member arrived recently, she was abandoned at about three months of age and is a blonde tabby cat, because of that her name is Panqueque (for the orange crepe cake).

I particularly like cats because they are quiet animals, they do not usually bother me, and they are very independent and intelligent ... which does not mean they do not need care and attention. Also, each one has a different “personality” and I like that.

Panqueque sleeping in a bed as a human


  1. Omg you have a cat named like my cat, Pelusa!
    Panqueque is very beautiful :)


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